
Your Designer

Hello there friend!  Thanks for visiting my website.  I’m not really into talking about myself, but you should probably know who you’re working with, so here goes…

I’m a 29 year old freelance graphic designer and artist residing in west Texas. God has blessed my life thus far with a variety of unique creative experiences. For over 17 years, the majority of that experience has been in graphic design.  I worked for the family sign shop in my youth, and when I was older, moved on to do freelance design work for my own clients.

As the seasons come and go, I continue to try and find new ways to grow my skills and integrate them accordingly.  As a mother of 3, the challenge of managing time between creating and life is one that excites me and drives me to be better every day.

In addition to design, fine art is something that I am pursuing with a passion.  The vein that has specifically grabbed my attention would have to be western art in pencil and ink.  For quite a few years, I was fortunate to work with horses on a daily basis.  It gave me quite an interest in them and I’ve fallen in love with the lifestyle that goes along with being around them, such as the annual brandings, cow gathers, days in a dusty round pen and the inevitable stall cleaning that comes with that life (my favorite).  It all lead me to incorporate it into my design, and to pick up my stalled dream of drawing again.

About a year ago, I began independently studying equine anatomy and biomechanics, which started me drawing the bones under all that pretty fur. In all the pieces I turn out, I strive to accurately capture their beautiful structures and personalities while keeping it playful and unique.

If you’ve read this far, I appreciate it.  Check out my work to see if we’re a good fit to work together on your next project!


Signature by Hannah Young

snapshot of life

In My Studio

This is where most of the magic happens.  Late nights, tea stains and hours are etched into this desk.

The sketchbook

This is the art that doesn’t quite make it to the portfolio, but still shows more of my style and what I’m doing behind the scenes.